Wednesday 26 September 2018

Case Write Up O&G (Ectopic pregnancy)


Mrs N is a 20 years old housekeeper, primigravida at 6 weeks of gestation admitted for per vaginal bleeding for the past 1 day.

Menstrual History

She attained menarche 14 years old. Her cycle is irregular every 22-28 days lasted for not more than 3 days flow.
She does not experience dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, intermenstrual bleeding, dyspareunia or post coital bleeding.
Her first day of menstrual period is 28/06/2017.
She is unsure about her revised expected delivery date (REDD).

History of Presenting Illness

Patient was not known of underlying long-standing medical illness and never admitted to ward.

3 days prior to admission, she had 2 episodes of bleeding.
She used 1 pad each day and both episode was full pad bleeding. The colour was bright red and was not associated with pain. The bleeding started in the morning and for the 2 days, the bleeding started again. There was no blood clot and no product of conception. There was no mucus or vaginal discharge. There was no foul smelling. There was no trauma. There was no fever and dysuria.

On 11/9/17, she walked in to Patient Assessment Centre (PAC) at Hospital Kuala Lumpur(HKL). At PAC, ultrasound was done. The doctor said, there was unknown location of placenta in her uterus.

History of Present Pregnancy/Antenatal History

This is unplanned pregnancy but welcomed.
She confirmed her pregnancy by doing urine pregnancy test (UPT) at Klinik Kesihatan Desa Pandan on 9/9/2017 which was 4 days ago.
She did not book yet.

Past Gynaecology History

She has never done any pap smear.
Never undergo operation before such as myomectomy or D&C.
No previous gynaecology history such as fibroid, cyst, pelvic inflammatory disease or endometrioma.

Past Medical History

She has never been warded before due to any medical illness.
She does not have diabetes, hypertension, renal disease, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, epilepsy and asthma.

Past Surgical History

During 18 years old, she had appendisectomy at Hospital Ampang in 2015.
There was no complication.

Drugs History

No over the counter and herbal medication.

Allergic History

No allergic history.
Not having allergy to food or medication.

Family History

Her father is still alive currently 44 years old. He is healthy and does not have medical illness such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma.
Her mother is still alive currently 40 years old. She has diabetes mellitus, hypertension and heart problem.
The patient has 5 siblings. She is the 2nd out of 5.
There are 2 girls in this family. All of them does not have gynaecology problems such as fibroid or ovarian cysts.
There were no multiple pregnancies, fetal abnormalities or malignancy. Otherwise, all siblings are healthy.

Social History

Patient currently work as housekeeper. Her husband’s job is despatch. Total family income is about RM3k a month.
Patient is not a smoker, non-alcoholic and non-drug abuser.
She live at PPR Desa Pandan with her family. It is flat house with good accommodation utility such as water, electricity and sanitation.


Mrs Nurfateha, 20 years old primigravida at 6th weeks of gestation comes to the hospital due to per vaginal bleeding past 1 day for further management.

General Examination

Patient is lying down comfortably with 1 pillow. She is not in distress and well hydrated. She is friendly and cooperative.
Her vitals signs are as follows:
          Blood Pressure – 100/60 mmHg
          Pulse Rate – 72 beats per minute
          Respiratory Rate – 16 breaths per minute
          Temperature – 37 ˚C

No clubbing, CRT<2 sec, warm and no palmar erythema

No anemia and no jaundice

Good oral hygiene, good hydration status, no angular stomatitis and central cyanosis.

Not swell and no nodules.

No nodules or discharge(Patient refused)

No edema and varicose vein.

Systemic review

S1 S2 heart sound heard. No murmur.

air entry is good, vesicular breath sound and no added sound.

Abdominal Examination


Abdomen is not distended. There was no lineanigra, no striaegravidarum and no dilated vein.
There is scar at right iliac fossa. It was transverse scar and about 6cm. The scar well healed, no keloid and no hyperpigmentation.
Umbilicus is inverted.
There was no hernia orifices and no skin lesion such as scratches mark.


On superficial and deep palpation, there was no pain and tenderness.
Uterus is unpalpable.
There was no mass in all 9 areas.
Liver and spleen is unpalpable.
Liver span is 10 cm.
Kidney is ballotable.


The bowel sound heard.

I would like to complete my physical examination with pelvic examination such as vaginal examination, speculum and bimanual examination.


Full blood count

Red blood cells
Packed cell volume

Mean corpuscular haemoglobin
White cell count

Urine pregnancy test (urine hCG)
-UPT was positive

Ultrasound (transvaginal)
-ultrasound showed no sac

Serum B-hCG
-for the first test, the result was 764 IU/L
-after 48 hours, the test was repeated and the result was 520 IU/L


Expectant management
-observation for spontaneous resolution

a) Medical
IM methotrexate 1mg/kg (single dose) + actinomycin

b) Surgical
Plan for operative laparoscopy (gold standard)
Laparotomy for unstable patient

B-hCG follow-up


Provisional diagnosis

Ectopic pregnancy

Differential diagnosis

Incomplete abortion


Twisted ovarian tumor


Usually, patient with ectopic pregnancy will come to the hospital with symptoms of abnormal vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain and amenorrhea (sometimes the patient may be unaware that she is pregnant and may interpret a vaginal bleed as a period. But in this patient, she already knows her pregnancy and have symptoms of per vaginal bleed for past 3 days without abdominal pain.

In examination, tachycardia suggests blood loss, hypotension and collapse occur in extremis. Also there is rebound tenderness in abdominal. On pelvic examination, the patient should have pain when movement of uterus is applied (cervical excitation) also the uterus is smaller than expected from the gestation and cervical os is closed. But in this patient, all are normal maybe the blood loss is too minimal. Her body still can compensate.

In investigation, she already did UPT by herself to confirmed her pregnancy beforehand. In ultrasound (preferably transvaginal) does not always show ectopic pregnancy. In this patient, ultrasound does not show anything maybe because the pregnancy is too early or the sac might be somewhere else. For serum B-hCG, if maternal level is >1000 IU/L, it will normally shows in ultrasound. But in this patient, the B-hCG is 764 IU/L so it maybe the cause why they cannot detect in ultrasound. After 48 hours, the test was repeated and the result was 520 IU/L which was lesser than the earlier level. The declining or slower rising levels suggest an ectopic or non-viable intrauterine pregnancy. Full blood count in this patient is normal.

For the management, this is stable and young patient which is suit for medical treatment which is IM methotrexate 1mg/kg single dose. The indication are patient is hemodynamically stable, serum hCG less than 3000 IU/L and no intra abdominal haemorrhage. Conservative surgery can be done such as laparoscopically or laparotomy. Laparascope is the gold standard in this case.


1.       DC Dutta’s Textbook of Obstetrics 8th edition
2.       Clinical Protocols in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Malaysian Hospitals

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