Wednesday 26 September 2018

Case Write Up Gynae (Ovarian Cyst)

Personal Details
Name: Miss S
Age: 25 years old
Sex: Female
Address: Taman Melawati, KL
Occupation: Telemarketer
Marital status: Unmarried, nulliparous

Chief complaint
She came to the hospital after being referred from private hospital due to lower abdominal pain for 7 days.

Menstrual History
She attains menarche at the age of 13 years old. Her period is irregular, more than 30 days. Her flow lasted for 5 – 7 days
She has dysmenorrhea before the menses but does not require any medication. Other than that, she has no menorrhagia, 4 – 5 pads per day, no intermenstrual bleeding, no dyspareunia or post-coital bleeding. Her last menstrual period is at 19 May 2018.

History of presenting illness
She is a known case of bilateral pyosalpinx and was operated on 2017 whereby drainage was done through laparotomy at Hospital Pantai Cheras. Her last follow up was on July 2017.
She was apparently well until 1 week ago when she experiences pain over her lower abdomen. The onset was insidious. The pain was sharp and throbbing in nature. She rates it 7/10 on the pain score. It radiates to left of her abdomen. The pain aggravates from walking and she relieves it by lying down, does not take any medication for the pain. The pain is on and off. The pain associated with fever for 1 day and nausea for 7 days. The fever is low grade, no chills and rigor. She takes paracetamol to relieve her fever.
She is not sexually active. Her last sexual intercourse is in January 2018.
Other than that, she had no per-vaginal bleeding as well as abnormal, foul smelling discharge from the vagina. She also has no vomiting, no flu or cough as well as painful urination.
Past Obstetrics History
Nil – Nulliparous

Past Gynaecological History
She had no previous gynecological history such as fibroid or cyst.
She had bilateral pyosalpinx at 2017 and laparotomy drainage was done at Hospital Pantai Cheras.
She never takes any contraception. She had never done pap smear or mammogram.

Past Medical History
She has asthma since childhood and currently on Ventolin and steroid inhaler. She has history of admission to hospital due to bronchial asthma and had been intubated during childhood due to asthma.
Other than that, she has no hypertension or diabetes mellitus.

Surgical History
She had no other surgery other than the laparotomy drainage.

Allergic History
She has allergy to walnut and ‘kacang parang’ and seafood as it causes shortness of breath.

Family History
Both her parents are still alive. The father is 63 years old and is healthy. The mother is 55 years old and she has hypertension.
She is the third children out of 6 siblings. 3 of them are female. They have no history of gynaecological problem such as fibroid or cyst or same as her.
There is no history of cancer in the family.

Social History
She lives in Taman Melawati, KL and works as a telemarketer. She does not smoke, drink alcohol or take illicit drugs. Her total income is about RM 1000. She takes normal diet, not a vegetarian.

Miss Sheera, 25 years old Malay female, unmarried and nulliparous, a known case of bilateral pyosalpinx, operated on 2017 came due to left iliac fossa pain for 7 days.

General Examination
The patient is conscious and alert. She is in average build and height. She is responding well and well orientated to time and place. She does not appear distress and not ill or toxic looking.
Vitals signs:
Blood pressure: 115/74 mmHg
Pulse rate: 99 beats/minute (regular, good volume)
Respiratory rate: 18 /minute
Temperature: 37 ⁰C

Her hands are warm and pink. There is no swelling, no wasting of muscles, no redness or erythema. There are both symmetrical, there are no deformity such as swan neck. The capillary filling time (CRT) is less than 2 seconds. The fingers are not clubbed. There are no flapping tremors as well as fine tremors.
There is jaundice but no conjunctival pallor.
No nasal polyps, no flaring and no discharge.
There is no discoloration on her mucosa. There is no central cyanosis. The oral hygiene is good, no bleeding gums, no ulcers and no angular stomatitis. It is also well hydrated.
There are no swellings, scars, rashes or deformities seen. The thyroid is not enlarged, and cervical lymph nodes are not palpable.
No pedal edema, no varicose veins, no muscle wasting and no joint deformities. The dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses are felt.

Lymph nodes
The lymph nodes are not enlarged and palpable.

Systemic Examination
Upon palpation, the apex beat is located at the left 5th intercostal space, medial to the mid clavicular line. There is no heave or thrill felt on all four areas of the heart.
Upon auscultation, both first (S1) and second (S2) heart sounds are heard on all four areas. No additional sound and murmurs were heard.
Upon auscultation, the air entry is good and equal on both lungs. There are no rhonchi and crepitation on both lungs.
Upon inspection, the abdomen is flat. There is surgical scar, midline with length of 15 cm with good healing and no keloid formation, no caput medusa, no visible veins or visible peristalsis. The umbilicus is inverted, and the flank are not full.
Upon palpation, there are no superficial tenderness as well as rebound tenderness. On deep palpation, there is mild tenderness at the left iliac fossa. No mass was felt on all nine regions. The liver and spleen are not palpable. There is no shifting dullness as well as fluid thrill. The kidneys are not ballotable.
Upon percussion, the liver span is normal.
Upon auscultation, the bowel sounds were heard. No renal bruits.

Differential diagnosis
-        Twisted ovarian cyst
-        Pyosalpinx
-        Tubo-ovarian abscess
-        Ovarian cyst
-        Ectopic pregnancy

-        Full blood count
-        Urine microscopic analysis (UFEME)
-        Ultrasound of the abdomen

Lab investigation
Full blood count:

Normal Range
130 – 180
Red blood cells
4.50 – 6.50
Pack cell volume
0.40 – 0.55
Mean corpuscular volume
78 – 99
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin
27 - 32
Red cell distribution width
11.0 - 15.0
White cell count
4.0 – 11.0
2.0 – 8.0
1.0 – 4.0
150 - 400
Impression: The neutrophils are raised.  

< Trace
< Trace
< 1+
< 1+

< Trace
< Trace
< 1+
< Trace

Specific gravity


Ascorbic acid

Urine for examination and microscopic examination (UFEME):
Impressions: There is blood in the urine. Other than that, its normal

Ultrasound findings (TAS):
-        Uterus anteverted 6 cm X 3.6 cm
-        Elongated hypoechoic 6 cm X 2.2 cm, multiseptated, thickened wall
-        Left ovarian cyst 4 cm X 3 cm

Provisional Diagnosis
Tubo-ovarian abscess with left ovarian cyst
The patient presented with left iliac fossa pain. It is also associated with fever and nausea. From the examination, there is tenderness on deep palpation, but no mass felt. From the investigations done, the neutrophils are raised and from the ultrasound scan, findings show that there is ovarian cyst as well as hypoechoic mass with thickened wall.

-        IV Rocephine 2g stat
-        IV Flagyl 500mg TDS for 1 day, then change to oral for 2 weeks
-        T. Doxycycline 200mg BD 2 weeks

Miss S, 25 years old Malay lady from Melawati, unmarried and nulliparous came to the hospital due to left iliac fossa pain with previous history of bilateral pyosalpinx that was operated on at 2017.
She came with symptoms of left iliac fossa pain that is sharp and throbbing in nature that associated with fever and nausea. However, there are no symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) or urinary tract infection (UTI) or even per-vaginal bleeding or discharge. Her symptoms are not typical of patient with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) with sequelae of tubo-ovarian abscess. Patients come with symptoms of abdominal pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge and painful urination.
Upon physical examination, the findings are not very definitive of tubo-ovarian abscess except that there is tenderness at the left iliac fossa region on deep palpation. Investigations findings shows that the neutrophils are raised indicating that there is bacterial infection. On ultrasound scan, it is found that there is left ovarian cyst as well as abscess formation at the ovary.
Based on the history and the findings from the investigations, it is suggestive that the tubo-ovarian abscess may be due to the previous pyosalpinx being not fully drained which causes recurrent pus formation in this admission. This is because the history is not suggestive of ascending infection from sexual transmission as she is not sexually active, and she does not have symptoms such as per-vaginal discharge or bleeding as well as dysuria. She also does not experience dyspareunia. She only came with symptom of lower abdominal pain, nausea and mild fever.
She is treated with Rocephine (ceftriaxone), Flagyl (metronidazole) and Doxycycline whixh is appropriate because it is used to cover for bacteria that causes PID such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. Surgical management also can be done which is drainage of the pus through laparotomy to ensure all pus have been drain.


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