Wednesday 26 September 2018

Case Write Up Pediatrik (Urinary Tract Infection)

Patient Details
Name                             : A                                       
Age                                  : 13 months                         
Gender                          : Male                                           
Race                               : Malay                                  
Religion                         : Muslim                               
Address                          : Bandar Saujana Putra, Selangor
Informant                     : Zamri (father)
Bed no                           : 7B (Ward KK2)
Date of Admission       : 12 June 2018
Date of Clerking           : 13 June 2018

Chief Complaint
Patient come to the hospital due to fever for 2 weeks.

History of Presenting Illness
Patient was not known of any case. This is his first admission due to fever.
Patient was previously well, until 2 weeks ago, patient developed rise in body temperature. It was sudden and does not resolve with medication. The mother had measured the temperature, it was 38.8°C. The fever was low grade, intermittent and persist for 2 weeks and the temperature always rise at night and has night peak.
The fever was associated with rash. The mother noticed rash initially at baby’s chest then radiate to all parts of body. The rash was small, scattered and not raise with red in color at all parts of body especially at his trunks, arm extensors and legs. The rashes were red in color with no discharge.
After 2nd day of illness, they brought the baby to private clinic, then he was prescribed syrup paracetamol. The doctor diagnosed him as chickenpox. Then, he was prescribed with calamine lotion. The rash resolve after 5 days but not the fever.
After the rash resolve, the baby started to develop cough and runny nose. The cough was intermittent, productive with yellow-greenish sputum and no blood. The sputum was about 1 spoon. He coughed for about 5 times per day. After 1 week of illness, he was brought to clinic and was prescribed with syrup paracetamol.
For about 2 weeks of illness which is 1 day prior to admission, the baby has bilateral eye discharge and high grade fever also poor feeding. Then, he was brought to HKL.
During admission, urine culture and sensitivity was done. The result was, his urine contained Proteus spp. Antibiotic was given during admission.

System Review
No vomiting
No tachycardia/tachypnea
No redness of mucosa
No abnormal movement
Normal bowel movement, no loose stool or straining.
Normal urine output
Appetite was reduced, he refused any meal intake
No weight loss
Sleep was not disturbed

Past Medical History

Birth history
For perinatal history, during pregnancy of the mother, or prenatal, the mother had gestational diabetes mellitus. For antenatal, he was delivered mature , normal without any complication or problem. The weight was 3 kilogram. For postnatal, patient had attack of jaundice 3 days after delivery for 1week. No admission due to jaundice.

Past Admission History and Surgical History
No admission before. No significant surgical history.

Immunization History
He did not complete the vaccine upto 1 year because he was having fever.

Feeding History
The child was purely breastfeeding until age of 6months. Then, he started to have mix meals which are breastfeed and solid food. Formula milk was given. After delivery, the child was breastfed immediately within 2hours. The bottle hygiene is good. The mother sterilized the bottle after usage.

Developmental History
Gross motor : walking without support at 1year and practicing to run.
Fine motor : able to scribble, mature pincing
Social : no strangers anxiety
Speech : understands many phrases, able to call the father and mother

Drugs and Allergy History
Syrup paracetamol. No cough syrup was given during illness. No food allergy.

Family history
Patient is 5th among 5 siblings. His 4th sibling which is sister is 3 years old, known asthmatic. No history of asthma during childhood. No eczema runs in the family.

Social History
The child is living with his family in a flat house Bandar Saujana Putra, Selangor. The mother is a housewife, and take care of the child herself. The father is a technician, a smoker, but smokes outside the house. Patient is a non-passive smoker. No travel history was noted. The area was known as hotspot area of dengue. The drainage is good. And water supply is clean. They did not use filter but they boil water for drinking. No contact with person with same illness. But before the illness, they did take meal from outside.

A 13 months old child presented with fever for 2 weeks. He had fever, cough and runny nose 2 weeks prior to admission. Fever was sudden and low grade. It was not resolve by medication. The runny nose was sudden and continuous. It becomes increase of flow and mucous turns from clear to greenish. The cough was sudden and productive cough. It was on and off, and wet cough. He had chickenpox 1 week prior to admission. The patient was brought to HKL for treatment and admitted in KK2.

General Examination
On inspection, the patient was alert, conscious, communicative and active. Patient appeared well nourished and well hydrated. The child appeared pink. There was a sign of breathlessness and he was tachypneic. There was no accessory muscles were used during respiration.
Vital signs-
Blood pressure                   :           98/54 mmHg (normal 90-105/55-70)
Pulse rate                             :           100bpm (normal 80-140), good volume and
                                                            regular rhythm
Respiratory rate                 :           35/min (normal 25-30)
Temperature                       :           38.2 C
Patient’s conjunctiva were pink on both sides,  and there were no sign of jaundice at the sclera of both eyes. There was no nasal flaring but positive nasal discharge. There was no central cyanosis at the tongue, no ulcers and the lips were moist. There were rashes scar on the face. The face shows no toxic-ill look.
There were no sign of enlarged lymph nodes and no raised jugular venous pressure. Trachea cannot be assessed because patient was not cooperative.
There were no signs of pallor at the palmar crease, no peripheral cyanosis, no nail clubbing and no palmar erythema. The capillary filling was normal (less than 2 seconds). There was no scars on the hand.

No pitting edema was seen in both legs. The pulses of the dorsalis pedis artery were felt in both legs. There were scar rashes.
Weight                                  :           8.5kg (below 5th percentile)
Height                                   :           85cm (below 5th percentile)
Head circumference         :           47.5cm (at 25th percentile)

Respiratory system-
On inspection, there were no scars, no deformities and no masses can be seen on the anterior and posterior chest. There were no hyperpigmentation, no rashes seen. The chest was symmetrical. The subcostal recession and Harrison sulci were seen. Percussion of the chest was not done since the child is still under 5 years old. Upon auscultation, normal vesicular breath sounds were heard. There was generalized rhonchi heard in both lungs during expiration with prolonged expiratory phase with bilateral crepitation.
Cardiovascular system-
On inspection of the chest, there were no surgical scars or any deformities. No dilated veins and no visible pulsations were seen. Upon auscultation, both first and second heart sounds were heard. No abnormal murmur sound was heard.
Gastrointestinal system-
On inspection, the abdomen was symmetrical and there was no distention. The umbilicus was inverted and centrally located. No smiling umbilicus (denoting ascites) was seen. There was no dilated veins and no caput medusa. No visible peristalsis or pulsations were seen. There were no scars, no hyperpigmentation and no spider nevi seen. Upon palpation, there was no tenderness. On percussion, there were no shifting dullness and no fluid thrills.

Urinary tract infection
Atypical Kawasaki disease
The patient has fever more than 5 days together with rashes but no redness of mucosa layer.
Dengue Fever
The patient has prolonged fever with rash but no hepatomegaly.

Based on the history and physical examination, a provisional diagnosis was made. In order to confirm the diagnosis, a few laboratory investigations were requested. A full blood count to look for infection (raised white blood cell) and urine culture & sensitivity was ordered.

Full blood count-
Patient’s value
Normal range
White blood cell (x10^9/L)
Red blood cell (x10^12/L)
Haemoglobin (g/dL)
Haematocrit )%)

Urine culture & sensitivity
Proteus spp was detected in the urine.

1.    Antibiotic therapy

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